Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day of the Dead Pendant

I am an artist working on a very small scale with precious materials used to create personal works of art. My art jewelry is sculptural, clean, and has an Asian influence resulting from artwork my parents had in our home when I was growing up. (Not the typical Midwestern

Day of the Dead Pendant is a new direction. Bright, Colorful and movement, is the theme. I used glass beads, bamboo beads, hammered copper and nickel silver, items which individually do not have great value. These items are representative of a day to day life that can seem ordinary, but when combined with the lives of our family and friends create a piece that is colorful and striking.

The Day of the Dead Pendant focuses on gatherings of family and friends who remember friends and relatives who have died and the color, movement and inter connectedness that they have in common with our lives today. This is the art that is our lives.

Day of the Dead Pendant is a hand fabricated pendant of nickel silver and copper. The Chain is hand fabricated copper links incorporating beads of glass, bamboo and shell.

The Day of the Dead Pendant in on exhibit at DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS Day of the Dead at the Bath House Cultural Center in Dallas.

New Sales Assistant

Xena my faithful studio dog has taken on the new role of sales assistant. She traveled with me to the Edom Arts Festival and the show was a great success. Which I am sure is due to Xena and her ability to charm customers.

The venue is lovely East Texas Piney Woods with excellent artists. Many people come the this "small" show which made it a a very good show for myself and Xena.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Great neigbhors

I had wonderful neighbors at the Red River Revel in Shreveport, LA. Deborah and Benny demonstrate the famous hospitality of native Louisianans. See some photos of their Stain Glass Art at

New Displays

I had some new displays made and they work great. They are stable, with stand the assault of small children that escape their strollers, bumps from adults who have had a bit too much the general may lay of crowds.